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What do they really mean when they say that?

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August 1, 2006
Posts: 40

PostPosted:     Post subject: What do they really mean when they say that?
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I know us girls have been told we are sometimes too subtle when talking to men, so I decided to create a thread and if anyone knows how to translate these messages, please fill me and anyone else in. It would help me to understand you more. hehe

For example when a guy says "too bad you live so far away" I read that to mean "if you live nearby we can go out sometime" but sometimes it can also mean "I am trying to tell you I do not want to pursue this"
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March 14, 2006
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It means you live to far away and probably that long distance relationships don't work, at least that's what he believes. I've seen mostly guys get dumped by women that live a hundred miles or more after months of talking online. Geography is a killer for potential relationships.
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April 8, 2006
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Well I think you should take what most guys say at face value. Usually there isnt anything behind it, unlike women who always mean something else when they say stuff. Well thats what i think anyway, I could be wrong.
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

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invisiblesteph wrote: Well I think you should take what most guys say at face value. Usually there isnt anything behind it, unlike women who always mean something else when they say stuff. Well thats what i think anyway, I could be wrong.

"It's not you it's me." -translation- I'm not attracted to you anymore so I'm moving on.
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: What do they really mean when they say that?
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vixi wrote: I know us girls have been told we are sometimes too subtle when talking to men, so I decided to create a thread and if anyone knows how to translate these messages, please fill me and anyone else in. It would help me to understand you more. hehe

For example when a guy says "too bad you live so far away" I read that to mean "if you live nearby we can go out sometime" but sometimes it can also mean "I am trying to tell you I do not want to pursue this"

I agree with Rayman. I have tried long distance relationships and they are misery. Plus, it is really hard to get to know someone long distance, no matter how much you email, IM, or talk on the phone. I am in South Carolina and was talking to a girl in Utah for a long time once. We really seemed to have a strong connection and we finally had the opportunity to meet. As soon as we connected, she wasn't interested in me anymore except as a friend. I never could figure out why as she has seen pictures and everything. Damn near broke my heart. So I know why I tend to shy away from long distance relationships.

I recently looked at your profile andnoted that you said you would relocate for the right person. Are you happy where you are? If not, then why not relocate for yourself to someplace you really want to live and work from a new place where you will be happier to begin with? Something to consider anyway. BTW, I love how your look is different in every picture. Pretty cool.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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